steps to giving blood

Get eight hours of sleep and eat a hearty (eggs, meat, leafy greens, fruit) evening and morning meal. To help stabilize your blood pressure, drink lots of water (and minimize caffeine). Your body will lose about two cups of fluid during donation, so being fully hydrated is important. 

1. Registration

You'll be asked to show a photo ID and provide some basic information for our records.

2. Screening

There are two steps to pre-donation screening: the mini-physical (blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and hemoglobin check) and the Donor History Questionnaire (DHQ). The DHQ has questions about your health history, travel, and other factors associated with an increased risk for infections that could be transmitted via blood transfusion. You will use a touch-screen computer to complete the questionnaire. Our staff will help you with any questions you may have.

You may wish to complete your DHQ prior to the blood drive. You can use our EarlyQ system to do so, as long as you complete the questionnaire on the same day as your donation. 


Donor Informed Consent  Donor Informed Consent (Spanish)

3. Giving Blood

After completing pre-donation screening, a phlebotomist will lead you to a reclining donor chair. Next, the phlebotomist will cleanse the area on your forearm where the needle will be inserted. A sterile, one-time use kit is used for each donation. This includes the collection bag, testing tubes, needle and all tubing. The donation process for whole blood donation will last about 8-10 minutes. Your phlebotomist will observe your donation from beginning to end and answer any questions you may have.

Parental Consent Form  Parental Consent Form (Spanish)

4. Post-Donation Fluids and Snacks 

Following your donation, you will sit up on the donor chair and proceed to the donor canteen area to drink fluids and eat a light snack. Your body will begin replacing the cells and fluids you donated right away, so it's important to eat and drink right after your donation. Be sure to rest well and drink plenty of fluids before and after giving blood.

  • Build up your iron for your next donation
    As part of a wellness initiative, the blood center encourages donors to consider taking iron supplements (18-38 mg of ferrous gluconate) daily for eight weeks to help replace the iron lost in a whole blood donation. It is available over the counter and in multivitamins with iron (read the label). This amount has no more side effects than a sugar pill. For more information, click here

Blood Types Needed

Many variables can impact our blood inventories such as weather, holidays or tragic events.  Every day, patients who need blood are in crisis and you can help by volunteering to donate.  Less than 10% of the population gives blood, so donors that give on a regular basis are important to meet these needs. Schedule an appointment today!

  • O+

    3 days

  • O-

    2 days

    Critical Need

  • A+

    5 days

  • A-

    6 days

  • B+

    2 days

    Critical Need

  • B-

    3 days

  • AB+

    6 days

  • AB-

    6 days

Schedule Appointment

Check It Out!

Rally for Ruby

When Ruby, pictured above, first experienced bruising and fatigue due to neuroblastoma, she received platelets from volunteer donors to combat her symptoms. Her parents, Stephen and Renae, recall the early days of her treatment in the video below.

Watch Ruby's Story Here  Fight Childhood Cancer

Shop our Rewards Store!

As a rewards member you'll collect points that can add up to some really great gifts. You can order these items with your points and they will ship directly to you for FREE. Our Donor for Life rewards program is designed to make helping patients as easy and rewarding as possible for blood donors.

View & Shop our Rewards Store!

Download our FREE ImpactLife App!

• Find nearby Donor Centers and mobile blood drives and schedule appointments!
• Track your donation history and review wellness information!
• Use your points in our Donor Rewards Store!

Click here for more information or download via the buttons below!   

download ImpactLife app on apple app store  get blood center impact app for free on google play store

Diversity | Equity | Inclusion

ImpactLife serves a diverse population that encompasses a wide range of races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientation, religions, ages, and abilities. By valuing diversity in our staff, volunteer and donor base, we are better able to serve the diverse communities of our service region.

 Click here for information on DEI Initiative

Current Donor Rewards

September 1 - 30, 2024

All donors who register to give in the month of August will be eligible to get their choice of an electronic gift card, donation to Make-A-Wish® chapters in our service region (Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin) OR bonus points. The featured store item is a KOOZIE© 3-in-1 Tumbler.

See below for additional information and opportunities for donor rewards!

Book Your Appointment How to Earn Points  Redeem Points in Rewards Store

Give EarlyQ Review a Try!

EarlyQ Review is a great way to streamline our donor experience! It allows us to register, review donor questionnaire, obtain any necessary information and determine donor eligibility before traveling to the donation site! You will be prompted at the end of the questionnaire if you want to proceed with EarlyQ Review which will send your results to our staff to review and follow-up if needed!

Showing Our Pride

Moving to Individual Donor Assessment creates more equitable donor eligibility standards for prospective blood donors by using gender-inclusive, individual sexual behavior-based questions in pre-donation screening. 

Learn More