q & a on Mpox

Is mpox transmitted via blood transfusion?
There have been no cases of this virus being transmitted via blood transfusion during this or prior outbreaks. 

Are donors being screened for mpox?
Donors are required to be in good health at the time of their donation.  A limited physical exam including inspection for rash or other skin lesions as well as a temperature check is performed in the blood collection room.  No specific donor blood tests are being performed specifically for mpox. 

How is mpox spread?
Mpox is spread primarily through direct, skin-to-skin contact between someone who has the virus and someone who does not.  This could be through intimate contact, or somebody who has an unsuspecting lesion who touches another individual.  Shared linens of clothing garments could also possibly spread the virus if used by someone that has a mpox lesion.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mpox can also be spread through contact with an infected person’s respiratory secretions during prolonged face-to-face contact.

What are the symptoms of mpox?
Symptoms of mpox begin to develop around three weeks after exposure of the virus.  An initial fever is accompanied by generalized headache and fatigue.  One to four days after, a rash along with enlarged lymph nodes will develop.  Often the rash starts on the face, and then distributes to the distal extremities (centrifugal rash).  The rash appears as distinctive lesions first macular, then popular, then vesicular and pustular.  Visit the CDC online for more information about symptoms.

How long should I wait to donate if I had close contact with someone who has had or if I have tested positive for mpox?
If exposed or tested positive, donors should wait at least 21 days from date of exposure or date of positive test to give blood.  

How long should I wait to donate blood if I have mpox?
Donors must feel healthy and well the day of donation and all mpox lesions must be healed (e.g., all scabs healed and have fallen off) at the time of donation. 

What should I do if I have recently donated and have since developed symptoms or tested positive for mpox?
Donors are asked to contact ImpactLife Blood Center at 800-747-5401 if you test positive for mpox or have the following constellation of symptoms within 21 days after donating blood: fever, rash, sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes, headache, conjunctivitis (red eyes), and joint pain/muscle pain.

Will I be deferred if I receive the mpox vaccination?
There is no deferral period for receipts of the Jynneos vaccine provided that the donor is otherwise healthy and the vaccine was not given due to exposure. If you have received a different smallpox vaccine, contact your blood center to learn more about the deferral period. 

Where can I go for more information about mpox?